Thursday, October 3, 2013

发现新大陆:高级奶香土司 Milk Loaf


数个星期前,无意中在youtube乱闯,结果意外发现了国外一名非常有名的烘焙师父Richard Bertinet的揉面手法,强调以甩和折叠的方式揉面团,看起来非常容易出薄膜,于是一不做二不休,才做出了比较像样的面包,却仍然达不到我预期中的效果,心里有点纳闷。






a.  高筋面粉   250克
b.  干酵母       11/2茶匙
c.  牛油           30克
d.  鸡蛋           30克
e.  盐               3克
f.  细砂糖       45克
g.  奶粉           15克
h.  水               120克


1. 分别量好20克的水和50克的高筋面粉,备用
2. 依次把高筋面粉、奶粉、盐、细砂糖、鸡蛋和水加入搅拌盆,揉成均匀且光滑的面团。
3. 把面团搓圆,放在搅拌盆内,然后倒入开水,开水盖过面团即可。
4. 静置30分钟
5. 20克水+干酵母混合均匀,备用
6.  室温软化的牛油,备用
7.  静置30分钟后,把盆里的水分倒掉,这时你会发现你的面团非常有弹性,延展性很好
8. 加入干酵母液体,以Bertinet的甩+折叠方式混合均匀
9. 这时你会感觉到面团非常湿,加入先前扣起的50克高筋面粉
10. 加入牛油,再以甩打折叠的方式,揉成光滑且有弹性的面团 (这个过程不会花费很长时间,我大概也只甩打了10多20下而已)
11. 滚圆面团,放进搅拌盆里,发酵至两倍大
12. 取出发酵好的面团,按扁,压出空气
13. 把面团分成三份,静置15 - 20 分钟
14. 开始整形
15. 土司模抹些油(我是用cooking spray),把整形好的面团放进去
16. 土司模放进不通电的烤箱里,底下放一杯热水,进行第二次发酵
17. 面团发酵至将近9分满时,取出来,165°C预热烤箱
18. 土司表面刷蛋液,放进烤箱,烘烤约30 - 35分钟

这是我做出来的成品,请自行忽略很丑的整形 (囧)老实说,这是我学做面包以来,最成功的一次。土司非常松软,组织非常好,而且还能拉丝呢!老爷品尝了之后说,我害他以后都不想吃市售的土司了,哈哈!

话说今天我又上网乱逛,无意中又发现了另外一名澳洲烘焙大师Dan Lepard的面包制作法,也许过两天我再试试看新方法了。


Last week, I discovered an interesting yet effective way to handle a dough in Youtube, from a famous Taiwanese Master Chef Ah Ji Shi (阿基师)who used to be a Royal chef to former Taiwan presidents for many years. I happened to watch the video because I was searching for the recipe of making doughball (面疙瘩). In the video, Ah Ji Shi had shown the method of gaining elastification of the dough, by just soaking the dough into water, and rested it for 30 minutes. 

I have followed his method to make Mi Hoon Kuih (面粉果), or commonly called Pan Mee by most of you. Surprisingly, this simple step had amazingly helped forming strong glutens, which we usually would have to knead in sweat, to achieve this result. 

So this discovery has inspired me to apply the method in bread making. In the next second, I started searching for more information online, the results showed that this method is very similar to Autolyse, which only mixes the flour and water, and rest it for some times, before adding in other ingredients. The only difference is, Autolyse does not add in more water to soak the dough. 

After some researches, I finally had time to make loaf a few days ago. The recipe of the milk loaf was from 君子, a quite well known blogger/food writer from China. 

Below are the ingredients to make 450g of loaf:

a.  High gluten flour/bread flour   250g
b.  Instant dry yeast       11/2tsp (about 3g)
c.  Butter           30g
d.  Egg              30g
e.  Salt              3g
f.   Fine sugar   45g
g.  Skimmed milk powder           15g
h.  Water            120g

(Baking temperature/duration:165°C,around 35minutes)


1. Reserve 20g water and 50g high gluten flour for later use
2. Add in high gluten flour, skimmed milk powder, salt, fine sugar, egg and water into mixing bowl, mix and combine well
3. Shape dough into round, put it in the mixing bowl, add water until it could covers  the dough 
4. Rest for 30 minutes
5. Prepare instant dry yeast with the 20g water reserved just now
6.  Prepare butter that had been softened at room temperature
7.  After 30 minutes, discard the water, and now you will find the dough elastic with strong gluten
8. Add Instant dry yeast to the dough, use Bertinet method to work the dough
9. You will find the dough very very wet now, add the previously reserved 50g high gluten flour to the dough
10. Add butter, work the dough again, or knead it in your own way
11. Shape the dough round, put it into mixing bowl for the first fermentation until it rises to double
12. Force the air out of the dough by flatten it with your palm
13. Divide the dough evenly into three, rest for 15 - 20 minutes
14. Shape the dough
15. Spray some cooking oil to the loaf mould, put the dough inside the mould
16. Let it ferment for the second time, usually it can be done inside the oven (without heat for sure), and put a cup of hot water under the mould to speed up the process
17. When the fermentation is almost done, take out the loaf, preheat the oven
18. Egg wash the dough, bake it at 165°c, for around 30-35 minutes

That was most probably the best loaf I made so far, although it requires more times in the process. But since we have to spend hours to make the bread, it's not a big deal to spend another 30 minutes to rest the dough right?

Anyway, today I discovered another method in handling dough by Dan Lepard, a famous Australian baker guru. I shall try it later and compare the results. At this moment, I will still stick to my own version of Autolyse in bread making, haha! 


Wanna share something with me? Leave your comment please!